UX/UI Design at Orange

Link: Orange enhance pres VR project using a new product 360 ° Orange Live Cam Camera where I did wide and deep research on collective 360 cameras and enhanced the mobile app by adding new features. I achieved editing 360 videos by including a reverse feature and adjustment of audio to a video. The project also involved research on Augmented Reality. Continue reading UX/UI Design at Orange

Social Phobia

My project was about representing a medical condition that people aren’t normally aware off, I tried to show how people with social phobia feel and how they can stress-free from that environment. To do so, I had to do a lot of research which included meeting people with social phobia and interact with them and be part of their journey. I just want to discuss briefly the techniques and methodologies that I used to make this happen. Focusing and limiting my target on one direction by using mind mapping to show all the different angles that I can take this, … Continue reading Social Phobia

UX-UI Design Support

I was employed at Orange for a 5 months contract I was working with a small team on a VR project by using a 360 camera (360 ° Orange Live Cam Camera). I was doing the research about what’s on the market and discover new features that could be added and enhance the mobile app that controls the features. For the first few weeks, I had to prepare a presentation to show my up to date work, product comparison, updates, features, following up on the existing brands, and how to be different. I also researched Augmented Reality what companies has … Continue reading UX-UI Design Support

Back on the market

I have been dealing with some personal problems that have prevented me from working, it has been a very stressful 1 year and 6months. However, I have worked at Orange as UX-UI Design Support, finished in January 2018 and DK as Assistant Designer finished in March 2018. Unfortunately, problems emerged and I haven’t been working since but now I am back on the market looking for a full-time permanent position. I will be posting more of my ideas and things that I am interested in, this will be my portfolio. I am an engineer and designer and I am very … Continue reading Back on the market

6 Days of Exhibition

It has been a great and fantastic experience, what a way to end my masters. The reaction was incredible and I got the feedback that I wanted and was hoping to hear from the people, they managed to fill up the board and unfortunately, there wasn’t enough space for everyone. 1 person that came by which actually had social phobia was super amazed by what he has experienced and felt so happy and felt different. Well, the 2nd project wasn’t as popular but people were surprised and weren’t expecting the flag and I also added a shotgun sound to the BANG flag. … Continue reading 6 Days of Exhibition

Exhibition Day

It is exhibition day and things should be placed in the gallery, we are having health and safety check before we open our doors. When people walk into the booth, they will place their hands inside the gloves and watch people/visitors on an iMac that replaces their faces with cartoon images through a processing program and allows them to interact with people they don’t know or never met. After they finish, they can describe their experience on the board outside. My project altogether is called Look and Feel, it’s a way to reflect to people the idea about social phobia. I … Continue reading Exhibition Day

Putting these together

The 3rd project is ready to go, by using the wooden rod to trigger the buzzer like a TNT bomb but instead of an explosion it will spray water through the pump by pumping it 3 times and it will not only spray once but with an unexpected 2nd spray of water that will be connected to a flower. The 2nd project is also ready to be put in its box, the flag will pop out of the box by using the BANG gun method, but instead of using a gun I will be using the Jack in the Box … Continue reading Putting these together

Building 2

The main idea of the booth is the interaction between people without having to worry about it, but also having to physically interact with people in a nice, loving, and warmth had to be carefully chosen. So I’ll be using these fuzzy bear gloves that audience will use to interact, so they place their hands inside the hole on the booth and have fun. The technical part of the box is ready to be placed inside the box; Arduino, Mp3 Trigger, and Easydriver stepper motor that will turn the flag around. And the third box is also ready to go, … Continue reading Building 2

Sketching, Prototyping, and Building 1

Sketching and Prototyping: Building: Wooden pieces for the booth has been cut and ready to be put together and at the same time I am getting the flag ready to be printed on a polyester fabric. So the flag will go inside a laser cut box that will be part of an unexpected situation and the idea is the element of surprise and laughter         The electronic part of the flag is in the process of being finished, using Arduino, easydriver stepper motor, wires and a switch to activate the code.        Continue reading Sketching, Prototyping, and Building 1